Puja is a lightweight, flexible and easy PHP template engine. Inspired in django, Puja also support validate template syntax!
<strong>Some of Puja's features</strong>:
* it is extremely fast
* no template parsing overhead, only compiles once.
* it is smart about recompiling only the template files that have changed.
* unlimited nesting of sections, conditionals, etc.
* built-in caching of template output.
<strong>Validate syntax:</strong><br />
Puja support validate syntax before the parser run compiler. This will helpfull for you to write template syntax.
file template: index.tpl:
Hello {{ username },
Welcome you go to the very first exmplate of Puja template.</pre>
The result will be:
TemplateSyntaxError: <strong>missing }}</strong>
1. Hello <strong>{{ username </strong>,
2. Welcome you go to the very first exmplate of Puja template.</pre>
Puja only show debug when mode <strong>debug</strong> is enabled<br />
We recommend you should only enable mode <strong>debug</strong> when your app is in develop. And disable it when your app go to production. It will save a lot time to template engine parser.
<br /><br />
<strong>Basic API Usage</strong>:<br />
- template file: index.tpl
<pre>Hello <strong>{{ username }}</strong>,
Welcome you go to the very first exmplate of Puja template.</pre>
- php file: index.php
require_once '/path/to/puja.php';
$tpl = new Puja;
$tpl->tpl_dir = '/path/to/template/folder/';
$data = array(
'username'=>'Jin Nguyen',
$tpl->parse($template_file = 'index.tpl', $data);
The result will show:
Hello <strong>Jin Nguyen</strong>,
Welcome you go to the very first exmplate of Puja template.</pre>
See <a href="https://github.com/jinnguyen/puja/tree/master/docs/user-guide.md">User's guide</a> for full information.<br />
<strong>Template Inheritance</strong>:<br />
- master.tpl:
<pre>==== Start Master ===
{% block body %}Master Body{% endblock body %}
{% block javascript %}Master javascript{% endblock javascript %}
==== End Master ====</pre>
- index.tpl
{% block javascript %}<strong>Index javascript</strong>{% endblock javascript %}
{% block body %}<strong>Index Body</strong>{% endblock body %}</pre>
And the result will be:
<pre>==== Start Master ===
<strong>Index Body</strong>
<strong>Index javascript</strong>
==== End Master ====</pre>
<a href="https://github.com/jinnguyen/puja/tree/master/docs">more detail >> </a>