This class can be used to parse and extract financial records from documents in OFX format (Open Financial Exchange) used by programs such as Intuit Quicken and Microsoft Money.
In can parse an OFX document either from a string or from a file.
The class can retrieve the document financial records and filter by several types of criteria like by memo, by identifier, by check number, by date, credits and debits.
 November 2009
Number 6
Prize: One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition |
OFX is a XML based format for exchanging financial records between programs that manipulate this kind of information, like Intuit Quicken, Microsoft Money, Google Finance, etc..
This class provides a PHP solution for solution to extract financial records from OFX files.
Manuel Lemos |
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PHPClasses nomnee My PHP Class OFXParser is running to become one of the winers of the best 12 classes at |
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