This class implements a SSH client to securely execute shell commands in a remote server using an encrypted communications channel.
This class is not based on any PHP extension specifically meant to implement the SSH protocol. It only requires the PHP extensions bcmath and mcrypt.
It can connect to a SSH server, authenticate with given user and password, execute given commands and retrieve the commands output returned by the server.
Currently the class only supports SSH protocol version 1.
 August 2005
Number 3
Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly |
SSH is a protocol that allows the execution of shell commands in a remote machine using secure channel.
It is often used to access remote machines and execute operations via a private channel. It uses encryption to prevent illicit accesses to sensitive information that is exchanged between the client and the server.
Despite the complexity of the protocol, this class provides a pure PHP implementation of an SSH client. It does not require more than a PHP installation with mcrypt libraries, which are standard since PHP 3.
It enables the potential of applications that require executing automated operations in remote servers but require an high level of security.
Manuel Lemos |
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Librería SSH para PHP Para aquellos que quieran desarrollar una aplicación que tenga acceso mediante SSH, le vendrá bien esta librería, aunque con la limitación de que sólo admite SSH1... |
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