Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2021-03-04 (1 month ago)  | | Not yet rated by the users | | Total: 99 This week: 3 | | All time: 9,485 This week: 82 |
Description | | Author |
This class can log messages to given files.
It provides static functions to log messages either to the PHP error log or to a specific file in a given directory.
It may create the directory to store the log files, if the directory does not exist.
The class can check the values of certain constants to get the log file name, the destination directory for the log files or the text that may be used to divide the log messages. | |
Custom static class for register messages with simple methods.
With Composer
composer require danielriera/phplog
Default file if $type is not defined, default: 'user'
Folder on put files, default: '/'
If defined divide files by $element, default: No defined
LOG::add(msg, element, type)
msg: String | Array | Object to register.
element: String or Integer id, default: false.
type: Type of log register, default: ``LOG_DEFAULT_FILE`` (user)
LOG::add("Test Line");
LOG::add("Test User Line", 524);
LOG::add("Other User Line", 524);
LOG::add("Order Test Line", 'WEB581657816', 'order');
Applications that use this package |
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