Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2020-08-12 (1 month ago)  | | Not yet rated by the users | | Total: 93 This week: 3 | | All time: 9,473 This week: 119 |
Description | | Author |
This package can compose and generate HTML programatically.
It provides a document class that can compose HTML documents by adding contained element objects. Then it returns a string with the generated HTML.
The package also provides a HTML element class that be used to define many types of HTML page elements like paragraphs, headings, text formatting styles, links, forms, inputs, images, tables, etc.. | |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 4x
Winner: 1x |
PHP Library for generating HTML document

You can install this library with Composer:
`composer require abgeo/gen-html`
Include composer autoloader in your main file (Ex.: index.php)
`require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';`
The library has two classes:
`\ABGEO\HTMLGenerator\Document` - For generating Full HTML5 Document;
`\ABGEO\HTMLGenerator\Element` - For generating HTML element;
Class Document
Import ABGEO\HTMLGenerator\Document
Public Methods
`setLanguage()` - Set document content language (Document::LANG_* constants);
`setCharset()` - Set charset for document (Document::CHARSET_* constants);
`setTitle()` - Set Document title;
`setDescription()` - Set Document description;
`setKeywords()` - Set Document keywords;
`addStyle()` - Add CSS file path;
`setBody()` - Set Document body content;
`addScript()` - Set JS file path;
`getDocument()` - Get generated HTML code;
Note: See usage in example.php
Class Element
Import ABGEO\HTMLGenerator\Element
Public Methods
`add2Content()` - Add given string to HTML content;
`getHtml()` - Get HTML Content;
`concatenateElements()` - Concatenate given elements;
`createLink()` - Generate a tag;
`createArticle()` - Generate article tag;
`createBlockquote()` - Generate blockquote tag;
`createBreak()` - Generate br tag;
`createCode()` - Generate code tag;
`createDiv()` - Generate div tag;
`createEm()` - Generate em tag;
`createForm()` - Generate form tag;
`createFooter()` - Generate footer tag;
`createHeading()` - Generate h1-h6 tags;
`createHeader()` - Generate header tag;
`createLine()` - Generate hr tag;
`createI()` - Generate i tag;
`createImg()` - Generate img tag;
`createInput()` - Generate input tag;
`createLabel()` - Generate label tag;
`createList()` - Generate ol or ul tags;
`createNav()` - Generate nav tag;
`createParagraph()` - Generate p tag;
`createPre()` - Generate pre tag;
`createProgress()` - Generate progress tag;
`createSection()` - Generate section tag;
`createSelect()` - Generate select tag;
`createSpan()` - Generate span tag;
`createStrong()` - Generate strong tag;
`createSub()` - Generate sub tag;
`createSup()` - Generate sup tag;
`createTable()` - Generate table tag;
`createTextarea()` - Generate textarea tag;
`clear()` - Clear HTML content;
Note: See usage in example.php
See full example in example.php and sample Bootstrap 4 page in
Temuri Takalandze - Initial work - ABGEO
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Applications that use this package |
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