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Not yet rated by the users | | Total: 191 | | All time: 8,581 This week: 660 |
Description | | Author |
This class can compute dates and times of recurring events.
It can take a given date and calculates the time that passed since that date in a configurable format.
The class can also get the next dates after now with a given interval period. | |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 23x
Winner: 2x |
RemainOrelapse class is a simple class to handle Event recurrences but also time remained to
an event or time elapsed from an event .
class RemainOrElapse
protected $date;
public function __construct($date=null)
take as Argument valid DateTime Object or a valid Date format
public function ago($format="")
return a DateInterval object or a date in the chosen format
For more information about the format see the PHP DateInterval::format function
public function remained($format="")
return a DateInterval object or a date in the chosen format
For more information about the format see the PHP DateInterval::format function
public function recurrence($interval,$nth=0,$daysinMonth=30)
return a DatePeriod object
public function nth_recurrence($interval,$nth=0,$format="",$daysinMonth=30):
return a DateTime object or a date in the chosen format representing the nth date of a recurrene
For more information about the format see the PHP DateTime::format function
For more information on how to specify the Interval see the function PHP DateInterval::CreateFromDateString
For a how to use example see the testremorlap.php file and for more questions or bug reporting
or simply feedback rate this class and use the dedicated forum at PHPclasses.org or simply contact
me at leizmo@gmail.com
Applications that use this package |
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