Pretty Data Dump
A pretty version of php var_dump. This class displays structured information about one or more expressions that includes its type and value.
_Check out Dump7 for PHP 7+_
You can download the Latest release version as a standalone, alternatively you can use Composer
$ composer require ghostff/dump5
"require": {
"ghostff/dump5": "^1.0"
class Foo
private $string = 'string';
protected $int = 10;
public $array = array(
'foo' => 'bar'
protected static $bool = false;
$string = 'Foobar';
$array = array('foo', 'bar');
$int = 327626;
$double = 22.223;
$null = null;
$bool = true;
new Dump(new Foo, $string, $array, $int, $double, $null, $bool, array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'bar' => 'foo',
'foo' => 'foobar',
2 => 'foo',
'foo' => array(
'barbar' => 55,
'foofoo' => false,
'foobar' => null,
new Dump(1 == '1', 1 === '1');
Replacing predefined colors:
# set($name, [$cgi_color, $cli_color]);
Dump::set('boolean', ['bb02ff', 'purple']);
CGI output:

CLI Posix output:

Windows user who are using command line tools like cmder
can use the Dump::d
Dump::d(new Foo, $string, $array, $int, $double, $null, $bool, array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'bar' => 'foo',
'foo' => 'foobar',
2 => 'foo',
'foo' => array(
'barbar' => 55,
'foofoo' => false,
'foobar' => null,
CLI Windows output: