
ZEUS for PHP is an event-driven, preemptive _Multitasking Runtime Environment_ and _Service Management System_ integrated with Zend Framework 3. It's main purpose is to perform multiple tasks (processes) concurrently.
To guarantee true parallelism and resource isolation ZEUS employs preemptive schedulers and an Inter-Process Communication mechanism to allow its processes to share the data.
*ZEUS for PHP is not a standalone service, in order to use it, it must be installed as a module on-top of any Zend Framework application!.*
It's designed to be compliant with any ZF3 application such as Apigility or ZendSkeletonApplication. Custom applications must provide index.php
file such as this which instantiates the Zend Framework MVC Zend\Mvc\Application

- Preemptive schedulers allowing to run multiple services asynchronously
- Built-in IPC server with various IPC Adapters suitable for different Operating Systems or usage characteristics
- Server service manager allowing to start, stop and track the status of ZEUS server services
- Well defined, extensive Server Service life-cycle based on Zend Framework
functionality and events such as SchedulerEvent
and ManagerEvent
- Possibility to write your own asynchronous Server Services by using just few lines of boilerplate code
- Advanced status reporting tools tracking the life-cycle and usage statistics of each service and its processes
- Deep integration with Zend Framework 3+ and its services such as
and ServiceManager
- Plugin support allowing to extend functionality of ZEUS Schedulers and Server Services
- Attachable, event-driven Server Services, Processes and Schedulers, allowing to react on and alter each step of their life-cycle
- Customizable, user friendly Logger functionality based on and compatible with Zend Framework 3
- Easy configuration and customization of ZEUS components provided by Zend Framework 3
- Built-in
controller plugin and the Async Server Service which allow to run multiple anonymous function/closures asynchronously
- Self hosted - ZEUS comes equipped with its own, high-speed HTTP Server Service implementation supporting HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 protocols, keep-alive connections and a deflate compression
- Can be integrated with any Zend Framework 3 Application with just few commands issued in a terminal
- Compatible with Zend Framework
module, enabling ZEUS to dispatch HTTP requests both for static files as well as any Zend Framework Application controller
- Equipped with its own, customizable Memcached Server Service that is integrated with Zend Framework 3
module, allowing to use any of its Cache
adapters as a Memcached key storage
- Compatible with any UNIX/Linux/BSD platform
- Well documented and unit tested (with at least 90% code coverage)
- Stress tested, shipped with its own benchmark tests
- Compatible with and tested against PHP 5.6, PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1 and HHVM
Full documentation can be found here.
Sample usage
Supported command line options
Since version 1.3.5, the following commands are supported (assuming that Zend Framework's index.php
application bootstrap file is compatible with Zend Framework 3 MVC
index.php zeus start
- Starts all ZEUS Server Services
index.php zeus start <service-name>
- Starts selected Server Service
index.php zeus list
- Lists all Server Services and their configuration
index.php zeus list <service-name>
- Shows the configuration of a selected Server Service
index.php zeus status
- Returns current status of all Server Services
index.php zeus status <service-name>
- Returns current status of the selected Server Service
index.php zeus stop
- Stops all ZEUS Server Services
index.php zeus stop <service-name>
- Stops selected Server Service
Starting built-in Web Server
user@host:/var/www/zf-application/public$ php index.php zeus start zeus_httpd
2017-04-15 14:10:48.769 INFO 24904 --- [ main] erverService\Shared\Logger\LoggerFactory :
__________ _________
\____ /____ __ __/ _____/ PHP
/ // __ \| | \_____ \
/ /\ ___/| | / \
/_______ \___ >____/_______ /
\/ \/ \/
ZEUS for PHP - ZF3 Edition (1.6.1)
2017-04-15 14:10:48.769 INFO 24904 --- [ main] eus\ServerService\Factory\ManagerFactory : Scanning configuration for services...
2017-04-15 14:10:48.770 INFO 24904 --- [ main] eus\ServerService\Factory\ManagerFactory : Found 4 service(s): httpd, zeus_httpd, zeus_memcache, zeus_async
2017-04-15 14:10:48.771 INFO 24904 --- [ main] Zeus\ServerService\Manager : Starting Server Service Manager with 0 plugins
2017-04-15 14:10:48.772 INFO 24904 --- [ main] ernel\IpcServer\Factory\IpcServerFactory : Using Zeus\Kernel\IpcServer\Adapter\FifoAdapter for zeus_httpd IPC
2017-04-15 14:10:48.773 INFO 24904 --- [ main] ernel\IpcServer\Factory\IpcServerFactory : Enumerating IPC capabilities:
2017-04-15 14:10:48.773 INFO 24904 --- [ main] ernel\IpcServer\Factory\IpcServerFactory : IPC message size limit: 65536 bytes
2017-04-15 14:10:48.783 INFO 24904 --- [ zeus_httpd] rvice\Shared\AbstractSocketServerService : Launching server on
2017-04-15 14:10:48.786 INFO 24904 --- [ zeus_httpd] Zeus\Kernel\ProcessManager\Scheduler : Starting Scheduler with 1 plugin
2017-04-15 14:10:48.795 INFO 24905 --- [ zeus_httpd] Zeus\Kernel\ProcessManager\Scheduler : Establishing IPC
2017-04-15 14:10:48.795 INFO 24905 --- [ zeus_httpd] Zeus\Kernel\ProcessManager\Scheduler : Scheduler started
2017-04-15 14:10:48.797 DEBUG 24904 --- [ main] Zeus\ServerService\Manager : Scheduler running as process #24905
2017-04-15 14:10:48.798 INFO 24904 --- [ main] Zeus\ServerService\Manager : Started 1 services in 0.03 seconds (PHP running for 0.12s)
Checking any Server Service status
user@host:/var/www/zf-application/public$ php index.php zeus status zeus_httpd
2017-04-15 14:17:44.953 INFO 28567 --- [ main] erverService\Shared\Logger\LoggerFactory :
__________ _________
\____ /____ __ __/ _____/ PHP
/ // __ \| | \_____ \
/ /\ ___/| | / \
/_______ \___ >____/_______ /
\/ \/ \/
ZEUS for PHP - ZF3 Edition (1.6.1)
2017-04-15 14:17:44.953 INFO 28567 --- [ main] eus\ServerService\Factory\ManagerFactory : Scanning configuration for services...
2017-04-15 14:17:44.954 INFO 28567 --- [ main] eus\ServerService\Factory\ManagerFactory : Found 4 service(s): httpd, zeus_httpd, zeus_memcache, zeus_async
2017-04-15 14:17:44.960 INFO 28567 --- [ main] ernel\IpcServer\Factory\IpcServerFactory : Using Zeus\Kernel\IpcServer\Adapter\FifoAdapter for zeus_httpd IPC
2017-04-15 14:17:44.961 INFO 28567 --- [ main] ernel\IpcServer\Factory\IpcServerFactory : Enumerating IPC capabilities:
2017-04-15 14:17:44.961 INFO 28567 --- [ main] ernel\IpcServer\Factory\IpcServerFactory : IPC message size limit: 65536 bytes
2017-04-15 14:17:44.984 INFO 28567 --- [ main] Zeus\Controller\ConsoleController : Service Status:
Service: zeus_httpd
Current time: Saturday, 15-Apr-2017 14:17:44 UTC
Restart time: Saturday, 15-Apr-2017 14:16:54 UTC
Service uptime: 50 seconds
Total tasks finished: 185957, 3.72K requests/sec
6 tasks currently being processed, 6 idle processes
Scoreboard Key:
"_" Waiting for task, "R" Currently running, "E" Exiting,
"T" Terminated, "." Open slot with no current process
Service zeus_httpd
??? Scheduler 26574, CPU: 46%
??? Process 28510 [E] CPU: 44%, RPS: 0, REQ: 100
??? Process 28517 [_] CPU: 33%, RPS: 0, REQ: 78
??? Process 28523 [_] CPU: 52%, RPS: 0, REQ: 19
??? Process 28521 [_] CPU: 33%, RPS: 0, REQ: 26
??? Process 28524 [_] CPU: 19%, RPS: 0, REQ: 8
??? Process 28513 [_] CPU: 35%, RPS: 0, REQ: 96
??? Process 28515 [E] CPU: 33%, RPS: 0, REQ: 100
??? Process 28514 [E] CPU: 35%, RPS: 0, REQ: 100
??? Process 28519 [R] CPU: 29%, RPS: 0, REQ: 68
??? Process 28516 [E] CPU: 42%, RPS: 0, REQ: 100
??? Process 28520 [_] CPU: 42%, RPS: 0, REQ: 58
??? Process 28522 [R] CPU: 41%, RPS: 0, REQ: 31
Viewing process status using OS commands
user@host:/var/www/zf-application/public$ ps auxw|grep zeus|grep -v grep
osboxes 31259 0.6 2.7 639276 41972 pts/1 S+ 15:43 0:00 zeus server zeus_httpd [start] 0 req done, 0 rps, 0% CPU usage
osboxes 31260 35.6 1.0 639276 16708 pts/1 S+ 15:43 0:07 zeus scheduler zeus_httpd [loop] 58.78K req done, 3.97K rps, 35% CPU usage
osboxes 31862 0.0 1.1 639276 18252 pts/1 R+ 15:43 0:00 zeus process zeus_httpd [waiting] 71 req done, 0 rps, 35% CPU usage
osboxes 31863 0.0 1.1 639276 18252 pts/1 R+ 15:43 0:00 zeus process zeus_httpd [running] 70 req done, 0 rps, 48% CPU usage
osboxes 31864 0.0 1.1 639276 18252 pts/1 R+ 15:43 0:00 zeus process zeus_httpd [waiting] 76 req done, 0 rps, 43% CPU usage
osboxes 31865 0.0 1.1 639276 18252 pts/1 R+ 15:43 0:00 zeus process zeus_httpd [running] 55 req done, 0 rps, 34% CPU usage
osboxes 31866 0.0 1.1 639276 18252 pts/1 R+ 15:43 0:00 zeus process zeus_httpd [waiting] 69 req done, 0 rps, 47% CPU usage
osboxes 31867 0.0 1.1 639276 18252 pts/1 R+ 15:43 0:00 zeus process zeus_httpd [running] 52 req done, 0 rps, 39% CPU usage
osboxes 31868 0.0 1.1 639276 18252 pts/1 R+ 15:43 0:00 zeus process zeus_httpd [running] 52 req done, 0 rps, 48% CPU usage
osboxes 31869 0.0 1.1 639276 18252 pts/1 R+ 15:43 0:00 zeus process zeus_httpd [running] 61 req done, 0 rps, 51% CPU usage
osboxes 31870 0.0 1.1 639276 18252 pts/1 R+ 15:43 0:00 zeus process zeus_httpd [running] 92 req done, 0 rps, 68% CPU usage
osboxes 31871 0.0 1.1 639276 18252 pts/1 R+ 15:43 0:00 zeus process zeus_httpd [waiting] 12 req done, 0 rps, 37% CPU usage
Executing functions asynchronously in ZF3 controllers
First, the Async Server Service must be launched in order to execute anonymous functions.
user@host:/var/www/zf-application/public$ php index.php zeus start zeus_async
The following ZF3 Application code can be handled by any HTTP Server, such as Apache HTTPD or Nginx - such functions are serialized and send to Async Server Service for asynchronous execution.
// contents of "zf3-application-directory/module/SomeModule/src/Controller/SomeController.php" file:
namespace Application\Controller;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
use ZF\Apigility\Admin\Module as AdminModule;
class IndexController extends AbstractActionController
public function indexAction()
for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
// each run() command immediately starts one task in the background and returns a handle ID
$handles[$i] = $this->async()->run(function () use ($i) {
return "OK $i";
// join() accepts either an array of handle IDs or a single handle ID (without array)
// - in case of array of handles, join will return an array of results,
// - in case of a single handler, join will return a single result (not wrapped into the array)
$results = $this->async()->join($handles);
// because of the sleep(11) executed in a last callback, join() command will wait up to 11 seconds to fetch
// results from all the handles, on success $result variable will contain the following data:
// ["OK0","OK1","OK2","OK3","OK4","OK5","OK6","OK7","OK8","OK9","OK10","OK11"]
// please keep in mind that each handle can be joined independently and join() blocks until the slowest
// callback returns the data, therefore running $this->async()->join($handles[3]) command instead
// would block this controller only for 3 seconds
// usual Zend Framework stuff to return data to the view layer
$view = new ViewModel();
$view->setVariable('async_results', $results);
Building HTML documentation
Please note, mkdocs must be installed first using the apt-get
command, or any other OS-specific package-manager.
user@host:/var/www/zf-application/vendor/zeus-server/zf3-server$ make doc-server
Serving markdown documentation
user@host:/var/www/zf-application/vendor/zeus-server/zf3-server$ make doc-build
After executing above command, ZEUS documentation can be found under the following URL:
Most of the ZEUS code was heavily optimized and thoroughly tested for speed and efficiency.
As the response times of most of ZEUS services dropped below 1 milisecond, its common for ZEUS to handle more than 24,000 requests/second on an average mobile Intel Core i7 processor:
Server Software:
Server Hostname:
Server Port: 7070
Document Path: /apigility-ui/img/ag-hero.png
Document Length: 0 bytes
Concurrency Level: 16
Time taken for tests: 20.134 seconds
Complete requests: 500000
Failed requests: 0
Keep-Alive requests: 495061
Total transferred: 69420976 bytes
HTML transferred: 0 bytes
Requests per second: 24833.87 #/sec
Time per request: 0.644 ms
Time per request: 0.040 ms
Transfer rate: 3367.17 [Kbytes/sec] received
Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 0.0 0 2
Processing: 0 1 0.8 1 34
Waiting: 0 1 0.8 1 34
Total: 0 1 0.8 1 34
Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 1
66% 1
75% 1
80% 1
90% 1
95% 1
98% 2
99% 3
100% 34 (longest request)
Or achieve transfer speeds higher than 23 Gbits/sec:
Server Software:
Server Hostname:
Server Port: 7070
Document Path: /test.file.txt
Document Length: 1048576 bytes
Concurrency Level: 16
Time taken for tests: 16.564 seconds
Complete requests: 50000
Failed requests: 0
Keep-Alive requests: 49514
Total transferred: 52435892224 bytes
HTML transferred: 52428800000 bytes
Requests per second: 3018.60 #/sec
Time per request: 5.300 ms
Time per request: 0.331 ms
Transfer rate: 3091460.25 [Kbytes/sec] received
Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 0.0 0 1
Processing: 1 5 10.8 2 63
Waiting: 0 0 0.9 0 33
Total: 1 5 10.8 2 63
Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 2
66% 2
75% 3
80% 3
90% 6
95% 40
98% 43
99% 44
100% 63 (longest request)
OS requirements
- Linux/Unix/BSD platform
- _Windows platform currently not supported_
PHP requirements
- PHP 5.6+ (HHVM or PHP 7+ is recommended for performance reasons as ZEUS can be up to 4x faster and use less memory)
- Posix module installed and enabled
- Pcntl module installed and enabled
- socket functions enabled for IPC purposes
Library requirements
- Zend Framework 3+ application (with the following modules installed:
, zend-mvc-console
, zend-console
, zend-log
, zend-config
- Opis library (
ZEUS for PHP can be installed in two different ways:
via Composer:
user@host:/var/www/$ cd zf3-application-directory
user@host:/var/www/zf3-application-directory$ composer require zeus-server/zf3-server
by downloading source code
Source codes can be found in ZIP file under the following URL: https://github.com/artur-graniszewski/ZEUS-for-PHP/archive/master.zip
After downloading, contents of the compressed ZEUS-for-PHP-master
directory in ZIP file must be unpacked into a ZF3 zf3-application-directory/module/Zeus
Enabling ZEUS module
After installation, ZEUS for PHP must be activated in Zend Framework's config/modules.config.php
file, like so:
// contents of "zf3-application-directory/config/modules.config.php" file:
return [
'Zeus' // this line should be added
This can be achieved either by modifying configuration file in any text editor, or by issuing sed
command in Application's root directory:
user@host:/var/www/zf3-application-directory$ sed -i "s/'Zend\\\Log',/'Zend\\\Log','Zeus',/g" config/modules.config.php
If ZEUS for PHP is installed correctly, the following terminal command will show ZEUS version and its services in console:
user@host:/var/www/zf-application/public$ php index.php zeus status zeus_httpd
Road map
- Improvement of ZEUS documentation
- Tutorials and How-to's
Web Server
- Code refactor and HTTP performance improvements
- Performance improvements in Application dispatcher when handling Zend Framework applications
- (implemented) ~~Removing dependency on ReactPHP~~
- More configuration options
Inter-Process Communication
- Various code improvements in IPC adapters
- Introduction of IPC strategy that will choose the most efficient IPC implementation depending on a platform.
Server Service Manager
- Additional
events covering full application lifecycle
- (implemented) ~~More advanced Service reporting and control tools for terminal and remote use~~
- (implemented) ~~Add a plugin that drops user privileges on start of the _Server Service_~~
- Advanced,
-like handling of Server Service failures or remote shutdowns
Process Manager
- (implemented) ~~Configurable, more robust scheduling strategies (like terminating processes that handled the largest amount of request, etc)*~~
POSIX Threads
- Adding support for threads in PHP
Connection pooling
- NGINX like connection pooling in ZEUS Web Server (performance improvement)
- Abstract Server Service classes that will speed up the development of other types of connection pooling services
- Database connection pooling (?)
- Add possibility to execute Server Services in isolated PHP instances
- Allow ZEUS Web Server to host FastCGI/FPM applications
Experimental support for Windows platform
Other services
- (implemented Memcached instead) ~~Redis Server Service implementation PoC ~~
- More features introduced to ZEUS Web Server