
The iOS and Android push notification extension for Yii2.
The suggested installation method is via composer:
$ composer require nstdio/yii2-notymo: "dev-master"
or add
"nstdio/yii2-notymo": "dev-master"
to the require
section of your composer.json
Defining as application component
// web.php or console.php
'component' => [
// ...
'notymo' => [
'class' => 'nstdio\yii2notymo\PushNotification',
'push' => [
// If you d?n't want to use one of the services we can just skip them loading.
// It's obvious that the skipped service is not necessary to configure.
// 'skipApns' => true,
// 'skipGcm' => true,
'apns' => [
'live' => true, // Whether to use live credentials.
'cert' => 'path/to/apns_live_cert.pem',
'sandboxCert' => 'path/to/apns_sandbox_cert.pem',
'gcm' => [
'apiKey' => 'api_key' // Here goes GCM Service API key.
'dataProvider' => [
'class' => 'nstdio\yii2notymo\provider\SQLDataProvider',
'table' => 'device_token', // The table from which the data will be obtained.
'identifier' => 'user_id', // The identifier that defines the criteria for what data will be obtained. In this case, it is the column name from the table.
'apns' => 'apns_token', // The column name for APNS device tokens.
'gcm' => 'gcm_token', // The column name for GCM device tokens.
// For example SiteController.php
use nstdio\notymo\Message;
// ...
$userIds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
/ @var \nstdio\yii2notymo\PushNotification $push */
$push = Yii::$app->notymo;
$msg = new Message();
$msg->setMessage("Test msg.");
$push->send($msg, $userIds); // Message will be sent to mentioned users.