Alessandro Quintiliani - 2016-01-13 10:35:41 -
In reply to message 1 from Raul Hofsem
Good Morining Raul
Thank you for warning about the bug (I tested on my office pc and it also occurred when running the other exampleX.php).
The bug was due to a missing check on the block code variable which is prepended at the log statements when setCtrlVar() method is invoked (see explanation on the setCtrlVar() method in the README.md file and usage on example4.php).
I added the check on this variable in the Class.LogDeltaTime.php class, successfully tested on my web server at office (I previously tested at home and no warning appeared on the browser) and then updated the Class.
Download the Class.LogDeltaTime.php, replace it and try again, then let me know.
Thank you very much again and sorry for the bug.
Best Regards
Alessandro Quintiliani