PHP Classes

Well, this class isn't really the Ultimate DB Access Wrapper,...

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Subject:Well, this class isn't really the...
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:Kevin Major
Date:2010-03-31 17:22:13
Update:2010-04-03 15:57:40

  1. Well, this class isn't really the...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Kevin Major Kevin Major - 2010-03-31 17:22:13
Well, this class isn't really the Ultimate DB Access Wrapper, as it only wraps MySQL. Since PHP already has MySQLi, to say nothing of PDO, this class is redundant. Quite simply, this class isn't necessary, or even very useful, as there are already two superior alternatives tied to the language itself.

There's also the matter of a complete lack of encapsulation. Some methods, like connect(), should be private, as should all of your data members. There's no point in having an object whose guts can be changed on a whim. Public methods should be used to enforce behavior - that is, they're used to force others to use the object in a certain way.

Encapsulation is a cornerstone of OOP.

  2. Re: Well, this class isn't really the...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Bogdan Lupandin Bogdan Lupandin - 2010-04-03 15:57:41 - In reply to message 1 from Kevin Major
Thanks for that review. This was my first OOP project so there is obviously a lot of room for me to learn. I will most certainly try to fix this up to be a better alternative then it already is.

A lot of DB Wrappers that I have seen here have basic functions/features. I wanted to create something more advance, with more functions/features that would allow the coder to have more use with the class... allow the coder to do more stuff faster.

And also have faster page load with caching capabilities and things like that. I know that there are a lot of places where I could improve on.