
Minifies and group CSS or JS scripts.
If you're interested on save bandwith, reduce the load time and speed up your website or web application,
then, Minifyr is good for you.
How to use
Fork (or download) this project;
Copy and paste the "minifyr.php" file into any folder from your project. This's the class.
For example:
/ (project root directory)
/ classes/minifyr.php
/ ...
Now create the script that is gonna use it for minify the resources you need.
As an example, create a file called _min.php_ in the root folder of your project, like below:
/ (project root directory)
/ classes/minifyr.php
/ min.php
/ ...
So, you can use the following code to make it happen:
// get settings and files to minify
// options are:
// f - Required. File or comma separated file list
// screen - Optional. Void. Forces the download of minified file.
// debug - Optional. Void. When given, skip minification.
// @use http://domain.tld/min.php?f=assets/my.css[&screen[&debug]]
$debug = isset( $_GET[ 'debug' ] ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$screen = isset( $_GET[ 'screen' ] ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$files = isset( $_GET[ 'f' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'f' ] : NULL;
$m = new RT\Minifyr($debug, $screen);
$m->files( explode(',', $files) )
->compression(true) // can be true/false. enables the gzip compression
->cache(true) // can be true/false. enables header for caching
->uglify(true) // can be true/false. uglify js codes
->expires('...') // a string that defines the expiration date
->charset('...') // the charset. default is utf-8
->files([]) // an array of strings containing files paths
->file('...') // when only one file, a string with file path
->render(false); // renders the output.
// if a true boolean is given, returns the output as string.
Now, everything you have to do is call it in your HTML file:
<link type="text/css" media="all" href="min.php?f=path/to/css/file.css" />
That's it. Easy and simple. A piece of cake! :)
These are the options you can pass:
| Option | Sample | Description |
| --------- | ------ | ---------- |
| f | min.php?f=file-path.css | It's the file to be minified. * |
| screen | min.php?screen&f=... | It's the way to render the content on browser instead return it as a file. |
| debug | min.php?debug&f=... | It's a way to don't minify the content. That helps you for debug your codes. |
Advanced usage for:
Option f : string
You can also pass a list of files. In this case, all files will be loaded and will be returned minified as a unique file. This technique is interesting to reduces the number of calls you make to your server.
To pass a list of files, you should give file names separated by comma (,):
E.g: min.php?f=assets/css/my-css-file-1.css,assets/css/my-css-file-2.css,...
You can also load external resources.
To do that, just pass the file with a prefix: external| .
E.g: min.php?f=external|[, ...]
1.6 Added support for external files. Prevent double minification on already minified files.
2.0 Refactored from a "script mode" to a "class mode". New features added.