
Quill is a library for publishing data to a Chronicle instance.
Requires PHP 7.1 or newer. PHP 7.2+ is recommended.
A monolog handler is also available.
composer require paragonie/quill
use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64UrlSafe;
use ParagonIE\Quill\Quill;
use ParagonIE\Sapient\CryptographyKeys\{
$quill = (new Quill())
new SigningPublicKey(
->setClientID('Your Client ID provided by the Chronicle here')
new SigningSecretKey('/Loaded from the filesystem or something./')
$quill->write("Important security notice goes here.");
Writing Data (Unencrypted)
There are two main API methods that do the same thing but differ in their return
`write(string $input): ResponseInterface`
* Returns the PSR-7 Response object, or throws an exception
`blindWrite(string $input): bool`
* Returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`
Writing Data (Symmetric Encryption)
If you want to encrypt your messages using a shared encryption key:
`writeEncrypted(string $input, SharedEncryptionKey $key): ResponseInterface`
* Returns the PSR-7 Response object, or throws an exception
`blindWriteEncrypted(string $input, SharedEncryptionKey $key): bool`
* Returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`
Writing Data (Asymmetric Encryption)
If you want to encrypt your messages using a public-key cryptography:
`writeSealed(string $input, SealingPublicKey $key): ResponseInterface`
* Returns the PSR-7 Response object, or throws an exception
`blindWriteSealed(string $input, SealingPublicKey $key): bool`
* Returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`