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MetaMagik Kanboard PluginForked from Metadata Plugin and added functionality ontop of previous plugin, there is no need to use both plugins Added Features:
Original Features:
Plugin for Author
UsageSettings>Custom Fields: panel for creating custom fields for tasks Fields setup in Settings will appear in the task creation panel: Metadata will appear under Task Details in an Accordian: Metadata will also show up as a tooltip on the Board: There is also a sidebar menu to add/remove/edit metadata, which is not dependent on the fields setup in your settings, adding fields here will not add metadata fields during creation or modification to a task, only those in the settings panel will show up. This sidebar will appear for tasks, users, and projects: During Task Modification, your custom fields will be pre-populated with yout data: Perform searches for metadata fields. Perform searches for metadata values. Export to CSV will include your custom fields and data during Task Export When fields are included as footers to task cards Analytics for Custom Field Values within a Project, for Number Types Credits