// start hack by Trabis
if (!class_exists('ProtectorRegistry')) {
exit('Registry not found');
$registry = ProtectorRegistry::getInstance();
$mydirname = $registry->getEntry('mydirname');
$mydirpath = $registry->getEntry('mydirpath');
$language = $registry->getEntry('language');
// end hack by Trabis
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/language/' . $language . '/modinfo.php')) {
include __DIR__ . '/language/' . $language . '/modinfo.php';
} else {
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/language/english/modinfo.php')) {
include __DIR__ . '/language/english/modinfo.php';
$constpref = '_MI_' . strtoupper($mydirname);
// end hack
$modversion['name'] = constant($constpref . '_NAME');
$modversion['description'] = constant($constpref . '_DESC');
$modversion['version'] = (float) file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/include/version.txt');
$modversion['credits'] = 'PEAK Corp.';
$modversion['author'] = 'GIJ=CHECKMATE PEAK Corp.(http://www.peak.ne.jp/)';
$modversion['help'] = 'page=help';
$modversion['license'] = 'GNU GPL 2.0';
$modversion['license_url'] = 'www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html';
$modversion['official'] = 1;
$modversion['image'] = file_exists($mydirpath . '/module_icon.png') ? 'module_icon.png' : 'module_icon.php';
$modversion['iconbig'] = 'module_icon.php?file=iconbig';
$modversion['iconsmall'] = 'module_icon.php?file=iconsmall';
$modversion['dirname'] = $mydirname;
$modversion['dirmoduleadmin'] = 'Frameworks/moduleclasses';
$modversion['icons16'] = 'Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/16';
$modversion['icons32'] = 'Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/32';
$modversion['module_status'] = 'Final';
$modversion['release_date'] = '2019/02/18';
$modversion['module_website_url'] = 'https://xoops.org/';
$modversion['module_website_name'] = 'XOOPS';
$modversion['min_php'] = '5.3.9';
$modversion['min_xoops'] = '2.5.10';
// Any tables can't be touched by modulesadmin.
$modversion['sqlfile'] = false;
$modversion['tables'] = array();
// Admin things
$modversion['hasAdmin'] = 1;
$modversion['system_menu'] = 1;
$modversion['adminindex'] = 'admin/index.php';
$modversion['adminmenu'] = 'admin/admin_menu.php';
// Templates
// Blocks
$modversion['blocks'] = array();
// Menu
$modversion['hasMain'] = 0;
// Config
$modversion['config'][1] = array(
'name' => 'global_disabled',
'title' => $constpref . '_GLOBAL_DISBL',
'description' => $constpref . '_GLOBAL_DISBLDSC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => '0',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'default_lang',
'title' => $constpref . '_DEFAULT_LANG',
'description' => $constpref . '_DEFAULT_LANGDSC',
'formtype' => 'text',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => @$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'],
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'log_level',
'title' => $constpref . '_LOG_LEVEL',
'description' => '',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 255,
'options' => array(
$constpref . '_LOGLEVEL0' => 0,
$constpref . '_LOGLEVEL15' => 15,
$constpref . '_LOGLEVEL63' => 63,
$constpref . '_LOGLEVEL255' => 255));
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'banip_time0',
'title' => $constpref . '_BANIP_TIME0',
'description' => $constpref . '_BANIP_TIME0DSC',
'formtype' => 'text',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 86400,
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'reliable_ips',
'title' => $constpref . '_RELIABLE_IPS',
'description' => $constpref . '_RELIABLE_IPSDSC',
'formtype' => 'textarea',
'valuetype' => 'array',
'default' => '^192.168.|',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'session_fixed_topbit',
'title' => $constpref . '_HIJACK_TOPBIT',
'description' => $constpref . '_HIJACK_TOPBITDSC',
'formtype' => 'text',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => '24/56',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'groups_denyipmove',
'title' => $constpref . '_HIJACK_DENYGP',
'description' => $constpref . '_HIJACK_DENYGPDSC',
'formtype' => 'group_multi',
'valuetype' => 'array',
'default' => array(1),
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'san_nullbyte',
'title' => $constpref . '_SAN_NULLBYTE',
'description' => $constpref . '_SAN_NULLBYTEDSC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => '1',
'options' => array());
/* $modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'die_nullbyte' ,
'title' => $constpref.'_DIE_NULLBYTE' ,
'description' => $constpref.'_DIE_NULLBYTEDSC' ,
'formtype' => 'yesno' ,
'valuetype' => 'int' ,
'default' => "1" ,
'options' => array()
) ; */
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'die_badext',
'title' => $constpref . '_DIE_BADEXT',
'description' => $constpref . '_DIE_BADEXTDSC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => '1',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'contami_action',
'title' => $constpref . '_CONTAMI_ACTION',
'description' => $constpref . '_CONTAMI_ACTIONDS',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 3,
'options' => array(
$constpref . '_OPT_NONE' => 0,
$constpref . '_OPT_EXIT' => 3,
$constpref . '_OPT_BIPTIME0' => 7,
$constpref . '_OPT_BIP' => 15));
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'isocom_action',
'title' => $constpref . '_ISOCOM_ACTION',
'description' => $constpref . '_ISOCOM_ACTIONDSC',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
'options' => array(
$constpref . '_OPT_NONE' => 0,
$constpref . '_OPT_SAN' => 1,
$constpref . '_OPT_EXIT' => 3,
$constpref . '_OPT_BIPTIME0' => 7,
$constpref . '_OPT_BIP' => 15));
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'union_action',
'title' => $constpref . '_UNION_ACTION',
'description' => $constpref . '_UNION_ACTIONDSC',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
'options' => array(
$constpref . '_OPT_NONE' => 0,
$constpref . '_OPT_SAN' => 1,
$constpref . '_OPT_EXIT' => 3,
$constpref . '_OPT_BIPTIME0' => 7,
$constpref . '_OPT_BIP' => 15));
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'id_forceintval',
'title' => $constpref . '_ID_INTVAL',
'description' => $constpref . '_ID_INTVALDSC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => '0',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'file_dotdot',
'title' => $constpref . '_FILE_DOTDOT',
'description' => $constpref . '_FILE_DOTDOTDSC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => '1',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'bf_count',
'title' => $constpref . '_BF_COUNT',
'description' => $constpref . '_BF_COUNTDSC',
'formtype' => 'text',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => '10',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'bwlimit_count',
'title' => $constpref . '_BWLIMIT_COUNT',
'description' => $constpref . '_BWLIMIT_COUNTDSC',
'formtype' => 'text',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'dos_skipmodules',
'title' => $constpref . '_DOS_SKIPMODS',
'description' => $constpref . '_DOS_SKIPMODSDSC',
'formtype' => 'text',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => '',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'dos_expire',
'title' => $constpref . '_DOS_EXPIRE',
'description' => $constpref . '_DOS_EXPIREDSC',
'formtype' => 'text',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => '60',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'dos_f5count',
'title' => $constpref . '_DOS_F5COUNT',
'description' => $constpref . '_DOS_F5COUNTDSC',
'formtype' => 'text',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => '20',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'dos_f5action',
'title' => $constpref . '_DOS_F5ACTION',
'description' => '',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'exit',
'options' => array(
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_NONE' => 'none',
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_SLEEP' => 'sleep',
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_EXIT' => 'exit',
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_BIPTIME0' => 'biptime0',
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_BIP' => 'bip',
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_HTA' => 'hta'));
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'dos_crcount',
'title' => $constpref . '_DOS_CRCOUNT',
'description' => $constpref . '_DOS_CRCOUNTDSC',
'formtype' => 'text',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => '40',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'dos_craction',
'title' => $constpref . '_DOS_CRACTION',
'description' => '',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'exit',
'options' => array(
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_NONE' => 'none',
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_SLEEP' => 'sleep',
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_EXIT' => 'exit',
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_BIPTIME0' => 'biptime0',
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_BIP' => 'bip',
$constpref . '_DOSOPT_HTA' => 'hta'));
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'dos_crsafe',
'title' => $constpref . '_DOS_CRSAFE',
'description' => $constpref . '_DOS_CRSAFEDSC',
'formtype' => 'text',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => '/(bingbot|Googlebot|Yahoo! Slurp)/i',
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'bip_except',
'title' => $constpref . '_BIP_EXCEPT',
'description' => $constpref . '_BIP_EXCEPTDSC',
'formtype' => 'group_multi',
'valuetype' => 'array',
'default' => array(1),
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'disable_features',
'title' => $constpref . '_DISABLES',
'description' => '',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
'options' => array('xmlrpc' => 1, 'xmlrpc + bugs' => 1025, '_NONE' => 0));
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'enable_dblayertrap',
'title' => $constpref . '_DBLAYERTRAP',
'description' => $constpref . '_DBLAYERTRAPDSC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'dblayertrap_wo_server',
'title' => $constpref . '_DBTRAPWOSRV',
'description' => $constpref . '_DBTRAPWOSRVDSC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'enable_bigumbrella',
'title' => $constpref . '_BIGUMBRELLA',
'description' => $constpref . '_BIGUMBRELLADSC',
'formtype' => 'yesno',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 1,
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'spamcount_uri4user',
'title' => $constpref . '_SPAMURI4U',
'description' => $constpref . '_SPAMURI4UDSC',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 0,
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'spamcount_uri4guest',
'title' => $constpref . '_SPAMURI4G',
'description' => $constpref . '_SPAMURI4GDSC',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'int',
'default' => 5,
'options' => array());
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'stopforumspam_action',
'title' => $constpref . '_STOPFORUMSPAM_ACTION',
'description' => $constpref . '_STOPFORUMSPAM_ACTIONDSC',
'formtype' => 'select',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'none',
'options' => array(
'_NONE' => 'none',
$constpref . '_OPT_NONE' => 'log',
$constpref . '_OPT_SAN' => 'san',
$constpref . '_OPT_BIPTIME0' => 'biptime0',
$constpref . '_OPT_BIP' => 'bip'));
// Search
$modversion['hasSearch'] = 0;
// Comments
$modversion['hasComments'] = 0;
// Config Settings (only for modules that need config settings generated automatically)
// Notification
$modversion['hasNotification'] = 0;
// onInstall, onUpdate, onUninstall
$modversion['onInstall'] = 'oninstall.php';
$modversion['onUpdate'] = 'onupdate.php';
$modversion['onUninstall'] = 'onuninstall.php';