PHP Classes

File: htdocs/language/english/uploader.php

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  Classes of Michael Beck   Xoops 2.5   htdocs/language/english/uploader.php   Download  
File: htdocs/language/english/uploader.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Xoops 2.5
Modular content management publication system
Author: By
Last change: Merge pull request #593 from luciorota/patch-8

Adds multiple file upload support
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 2,256 bytes


Class file image Download
// _LANGCODE: en
// Translator: XOOPS Translation Team
define('_ER_UP_MIMETYPELOAD', 'Error loading mime types definition');
define('_ER_UP_FILENOTFOUND', 'File not found');
define('_ER_UP_INVALIDFILESIZE', 'Invalid File Size');
define('_ER_UP_FILENAMEEMPTY', 'Filename Is Missing');
define('_ER_UP_NOFILEUPLOADED', 'No file uploaded');
define('_ER_UP_ERROROCCURRED', 'Unexpected Error #%s');
define('_ER_UP_UPLOADDIRNOTSET', 'Upload directory not set');
define('_ER_UP_FAILEDOPENDIR', 'Failed opening directory: %s');
define('_ER_UP_FAILEDOPENDIRWRITE', 'Failed opening directory with write permission: %s');
define('_ER_UP_FILESIZETOOLARGE', 'File size too large (Maximum %u bytes): %u bytes');
define('_ER_UP_FILEWIDTHTOOLARGE', 'File width too large (Maximum %u px): %u px');
define('_ER_UP_FILEHEIGHTTOOLARGE', 'File height too large (Maximum %u px): %u px');
define('_ER_UP_MIMETYPENOTALLOWED', 'File of MIME type: %s is not allowed');
define('_ER_UP_FAILEDUPLOADFILE', 'Failed uploading file: %s');
define('_ER_UP_FAILEDFETCHIMAGESIZE', 'Failed fetching image size of %s, skipping max dimension check..');
define('_ER_UP_UNKNOWNFILETYPEREJECTED', "The file you're trying to upload is not supported by this site/server.");
define('_ER_UP_ERRORSRETURNED', 'Errors Returned While Uploading file: %s');
define('_ER_UP_INVALIDIMAGEFILE', 'Invalid image file');
define('_ER_UP_SUSPICIOUSREFUSED', 'Suspicious image upload refused');
define('_ER_UP_INVALIDFILENAME', 'Invalid file name');
define('_ER_UP_FAILEDSAVEFILE', 'Failed to save file to %s');
define('_ER_UP_INISIZE', 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini');
define('_ER_UP_FORMSIZE', 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form');
define('_ER_UP_PARTIAL', 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded');
define('_ER_UP_NOFILE', 'No file was uploaded');
define('_ER_UP_NOTMPDIR', 'Missing a temporary folder');
define('_ER_UP_CANTWRITE', 'Failed to write file to disk');
define('_ER_UP_EXTENSION', 'File upload stopped by extension. View phpinfo()');
define('_ER_UP_UNKNOWN', 'Unknown upload error');
define('_ER_UP_INDEXNOTSET', 'Attempt to fetch multiple file, index must be set.');