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File: htdocs/include/common.php

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File: htdocs/include/common.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Xoops 2.5
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Author: By
Last change: non-canonical order

In docblock var tags, use "type variableName" more consistently
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 12,560 bytes


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<?php /** * XOOPS common initialization file * * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * @copyright (c) 2000-2016 XOOPS Project ( * @license GNU GPL 2 ( * @package kernel */ defined('XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED') || die('Restricted access'); global $xoops, $xoopsPreload, $xoopsLogger, $xoopsErrorHandler, $xoopsSecurity, $sess_handler; /** * YOU SHOULD NEVER USE THE FOLLOWING TO CONSTANTS, THEY WILL BE REMOVED */ defined('DS') or define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); defined('NWLINE') or define('NWLINE', "\n"); /** * Include files with definitions */ include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/defines.php'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/version.php'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/license.php'; /** * Include XoopsLoad */ require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsload.php'; /** * YOU SHOULD BE CAREFUL WITH THE PRELOAD METHODS IN 2.4*, THEY WILL BE DEPRECATED AND IMPLEMENTED IN A DIFFERENT WAY */ /** * Create Instance of Preload Object */ XoopsLoad::load('preload'); $xoopsPreload = XoopsPreload::getInstance(); $xoopsPreload->triggerEvent('core.include.common.start'); /** * YOU SHOULD BE CAREFUL WITH THE {@xos_kernel_Xoops2}, MOST METHODS WILL BE DEPRECATED */ /** * Create Instance of xos_kernel_Xoops2 Object * Atention, not all methods can be used at this point */ XoopsLoad::load('xoopskernel'); $xoops = new xos_kernel_Xoops2(); $xoops->pathTranslation(); $xoopsRequestUri =& $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];// Deprecated (use the corrected $_SERVER variable now) /** * Create Instance of xoopsSecurity Object and check Supergolbals */ XoopsLoad::load('xoopssecurity'); $xoopsSecurity = new XoopsSecurity(); $xoopsSecurity->checkSuperglobals(); /** * Create Instantance XoopsLogger Object */ XoopsLoad::load('xoopslogger'); $xoopsLogger = XoopsLogger::getInstance(); $xoopsErrorHandler = XoopsLogger::getInstance(); $xoopsLogger->startTime(); $xoopsLogger->startTime('XOOPS Boot'); /** * Include Required Files */ include_once $xoops->path('kernel/object.php'); include_once $xoops->path('class/criteria.php'); include_once $xoops->path('class/module.textsanitizer.php'); include_once $xoops->path('include/functions.php'); /* new installs should create this in mainfile */ if (!defined('XOOPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN')) { define('XOOPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', xoops_getBaseDomain(XOOPS_URL)); } /** * Check Proxy; * Requires functions */ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST' || !$xoopsSecurity->checkReferer(XOOPS_DB_CHKREF)) { define('XOOPS_DB_PROXY', 1); } /** * Get database for making it global * Requires XoopsLogger, XOOPS_DB_PROXY; */ include_once $xoops->path('class/database/databasefactory.php'); /* @var XoopsMySQLDatabase $xoopsDB */ $xoopsDB = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); /** * Get xoops configs * Requires functions and database loaded */ /* @var XoopsConfigHandler $config_handler */ $config_handler = xoops_getHandler('config'); $xoopsConfig = $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF); /** * Merge file and db configs. */ if (file_exists($file = $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('var/configs/xoopsconfig.php'))) { $fileConfigs = include $file; $xoopsConfig = array_merge($xoopsConfig, (array)$fileConfigs); unset($fileConfigs, $file); } else { trigger_error('File Path Error: ' . 'var/configs/xoopsconfig.php' . ' does not exist.'); } /** * clickjack protection - Add option to HTTP header restricting using site in an iframe */ $xFrameOptions = isset($xoopsConfig['xFrameOptions']) ? $xoopsConfig['xFrameOptions'] : 'sameorigin'; if (!headers_sent() && !empty($xFrameOptions)) { header('X-Frame-Options: ' . $xFrameOptions); } //check if user set a local timezone (from XavierS) // $xoops_server_timezone="Etc/GMT"; // if ($xoopsConfig["server_TZ"]>0) { // $xoops_server_timezone .="+".$xoopsConfig["server_TZ"]; } else{ // $xoops_server_timezone .=$xoopsConfig["server_TZ"]; } date_default_timezone_set($xoops_server_timezone); //check if 'date.timezone' is set in php.ini if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) { date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); } /** * Enable Gzip compression, r * Requires configs loaded and should go before any output */ $xoops->gzipCompression(); /** * Start of Error Reportings. */ if ($xoopsConfig['debug_mode'] == 1 || $xoopsConfig['debug_mode'] == 2) { xoops_loadLanguage('logger'); error_reporting(E_ALL); $xoopsLogger->enableRendering(); $xoopsLogger->usePopup = ($xoopsConfig['debug_mode'] == 2); } else { error_reporting(0); $xoopsLogger->activated = false; } /** * Check Bad Ip Addressed against database and block bad ones, requires configs loaded */ $xoopsSecurity->checkBadips(); /** * Load Language settings and defines */ $xoopsPreload->triggerEvent('core.include.common.language'); xoops_loadLanguage('global'); xoops_loadLanguage('errors'); xoops_loadLanguage('pagetype'); /** * User Sessions */ $xoopsUser = ''; $xoopsUserIsAdmin = false; /* @var XoopsMemberHandler $member_handler */ $member_handler = xoops_getHandler('member'); $sess_handler = xoops_getHandler('session'); if ($xoopsConfig['use_ssl'] && isset($_POST[$xoopsConfig['sslpost_name']]) && $_POST[$xoopsConfig['sslpost_name']] != '') { session_id($_POST[$xoopsConfig['sslpost_name']]); } elseif ($xoopsConfig['use_mysession'] && $xoopsConfig['session_name'] != '' && $xoopsConfig['session_expire'] > 0) { session_name($xoopsConfig['session_name']); session_cache_expire($xoopsConfig['session_expire']); @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $xoopsConfig['session_expire'] * 60); } session_set_save_handler( array($sess_handler, 'open'), array($sess_handler, 'close'), array($sess_handler, 'read'), array($sess_handler, 'write'), array($sess_handler, 'destroy'), array($sess_handler, 'gc') ); if (function_exists('session_status')) { if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_start(); } } else { // this should silently fail if session has already started (for PHP 5.3) @session_start(); } $xoopsPreload->triggerEvent('core.behavior.session.start'); /** * Remove expired session for xoopsUserId */ if ($xoopsConfig['use_mysession'] && $xoopsConfig['session_name'] != '' && !isset($_COOKIE[$xoopsConfig['session_name']]) && !empty($_SESSION['xoopsUserId']) ) { unset($_SESSION['xoopsUserId']); } /** * Load xoopsUserId from cookie if "Remember me" is enabled. */ $rememberClaims = false; if (empty($_SESSION['xoopsUserId']) && !empty($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['usercookie']) ) { $rememberClaims = \Xmf\Jwt\TokenReader::fromCookie('rememberme', $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['usercookie']); if (false !== $rememberClaims && !empty($rememberClaims->uid)) { $_SESSION['xoopsUserId'] = $rememberClaims->uid; } else { setcookie($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['usercookie'], null, time() - 3600, '/', XOOPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN, 0, true); setcookie($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['usercookie'], null, time() - 3600); } } /** * Log user in and deal with Sessions and Cookies */ if (!empty($_SESSION['xoopsUserId'])) { $xoopsUser = $member_handler->getUser($_SESSION['xoopsUserId']); if (!is_object($xoopsUser)) { $xoopsUser = ''; $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); setcookie($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['usercookie'], null, time() - 3600, '/', XOOPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN, 0, true); setcookie($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['usercookie'], null, time() - 3600); } else { if (((int)$xoopsUser->getVar('last_login') + 60 * 5) < time()) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('users') . " SET last_login = '" . time() . "' WHERE uid = " . $_SESSION['xoopsUserId']; @$xoopsDB->queryF($sql); } $sess_handler->update_cookie(); if (isset($_SESSION['xoopsUserGroups'])) { $xoopsUser->setGroups($_SESSION['xoopsUserGroups']); } else { $_SESSION['xoopsUserGroups'] = $xoopsUser->getGroups(); } if (is_object($rememberClaims)) { // only do during a 'remember me' login $user_theme = $xoopsUser->getVar('theme'); if ($user_theme != $xoopsConfig['theme_set'] && in_array($user_theme, $xoopsConfig['theme_set_allowed'])) { $_SESSION['xoopsUserTheme'] = $user_theme; } // update our remember me cookie $claims = array( 'uid' => $_SESSION['xoopsUserId'], ); $rememberTime = 60*60*24*30; $token = \Xmf\Jwt\TokenFactory::build('rememberme', $claims, $rememberTime); setcookie( $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['usercookie'], $token, time() + $rememberTime, '/', XOOPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN, (XOOPS_PROT === 'https://'), true ); } $xoopsUserIsAdmin = $xoopsUser->isAdmin(); } } /** * *#@+ * Debug level for XOOPS * Check /xoops_data/configs/xoopsconfig.php for details * * Note: temporary solution only. Will be re-designed in XOOPS 3.0 */ if ($xoopsLogger->activated) { $level = isset($xoopsConfig['debugLevel']) ? (int)$xoopsConfig['debugLevel'] : 0; if (($level == 2 && empty($xoopsUserIsAdmin)) || ($level == 1 && !$xoopsUser)) { error_reporting(0); $xoopsLogger->activated = false; } unset($level); } /** * YOU SHOULD NEVER USE THE FOLLOWING METHOD, IT WILL BE REMOVED */ /** * Theme Selection */ $xoops->themeSelect(); xoops_load('XoopsFormRendererInterface'); xoops_load('XoopsFormRenderer'); /** * Closed Site */ if ($xoopsConfig['closesite'] == 1) { include_once $xoops->path('include/site-closed.php'); } /** * Load Xoops Module */ if (file_exists('./xoops_version.php')) { $url_arr = explode('/', strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/modules/')); /* @var XoopsModuleHandler $module_handler */ $module_handler = xoops_getHandler('module'); $xoopsModule = $module_handler->getByDirname($url_arr[2]); unset($url_arr); if (!$xoopsModule || !$xoopsModule->getVar('isactive')) { include_once $xoops->path('header.php'); echo '<h4>' . _MODULENOEXIST . '</h4>'; include_once $xoops->path('footer.php'); exit(); } /* @var XoopsGroupPermHandler $moduleperm_handler */ $moduleperm_handler = xoops_getHandler('groupperm'); if ($xoopsUser) { if (!$moduleperm_handler->checkRight('module_read', $xoopsModule->getVar('mid'), $xoopsUser->getGroups())) { redirect_header(XOOPS_URL, 1, _NOPERM, false); } $xoopsUserIsAdmin = $xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->getVar('mid')); } else { if (!$moduleperm_handler->checkRight('module_read', $xoopsModule->getVar('mid'), XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS)) { redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/user.php?from=' . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname', 'n'), 1, _NOPERM); } } if ($xoopsModule->getVar('dirname', 'n') !== 'system') { if (file_exists($file = $xoops->path('modules/' . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname', 'n') . '/language/' . $xoopsConfig['language'] . '/main.php'))) { include_once $file; } elseif (file_exists($file = $xoops->path('modules/' . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname', 'n') . '/language/english/main.php'))) { include_once $file; } unset($file); } if ($xoopsModule->getVar('hasconfig') == 1 || $xoopsModule->getVar('hascomments') == 1 || $xoopsModule->getVar('hasnotification') == 1) { $xoopsModuleConfig = $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(0, $xoopsModule->getVar('mid')); } } elseif ($xoopsUser) { $xoopsUserIsAdmin = $xoopsUser->isAdmin(1); } /** * YOU SHOULD AVOID USING THE FOLLOWING FUNCTION, IT WILL BE REMOVED */ //Creates 'system_modules_active' cache file if it has been deleted. xoops_getActiveModules(); $xoopsLogger->stopTime('XOOPS Boot'); $xoopsLogger->startTime('Module init'); $xoopsPreload->triggerEvent('core.include.common.end');